Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Basketball Training schedule - designed to avoid overtraining

Working 2 to 3 VJB sessions a week in with any other regular training/exercise you do is tough. In early stages of doing the VJB, I noticed I was feeling lethargic on court and had trouble playing out full games without being completely exhausted afterwards. This was because I was overtraining - on some days, I'd be doing plyometrics PLUS weight training PLUS playing ball - my leg and back muscles were being totally overworked and didn't have time to recover after my workout days, which then meant I wasn't training as hard, and of course, couldn't play as hard. So, I designed this new routine, and since using it, I'm seeing much better performance on court. It could probably still use some tweaking, but it ensures I have 4 days in the gym working on what I want to aswell as 2 days playing ball and a free day's practice, all without burning out.

VJB Training
- Intermediate Balanced program
Shoulder and traps exercises
- Upright dumbell row
- Dumbell shrugs
- Dumbell shoulder press

Chest and arm exercises
- Barbell bench press
- Dumbell Bench Press
- Dumbell fly
- Dumbell bent-over row
- Bicep curls - wide grip (works inner bicep)
- Bicep curls - narros grip (works outer bicep)
- Hammer curls
Abdominal exercises
- Glut-ham raises
- Hanging leg raises
- Crunches on exercise ball
- Men's D-Grade - easy league, but still fairly physical

No weight training
- Men's B-Grade

Repeat of Tuesday, swapping hanging leg raises for bicycle crunches

Repeat of Monday

Light shooting practice

SUNDAY: rest

This program allows me a full 2 days rest after each VJB workout, which is required in the Intermediate Balanced program. I'm seeing better results from both the VJB training and upper body strength training by focusing on each 2 days a week, going hard, then allowing my body to fully recover. I have at least a full day of no leg work before each VJB workout day, which is working well for me so far.

I also changed my diet up a little. Sticking to these times is hard when you work during the day, but eating 5 smaller meals rather than 3 bigger ones has given me more energy when I get to the gym;

08.00am - BREAKFAST
10.30am - Morning tea - protein or good oil snack, such as can of tuna or a handful of almonds
12.00 midday - Lunch - 1/3 carbs, 1/3 vege, 1/3 protein. I try to eat at least 2 hours before a workout, because I'm trying to burn fat. Any less than 2 hours, and I'm just burning off my lunch, not body fat.
01.00pm - Protein shake before 2pm workout
01.30pm - Coffee (caffeine is a great pre-workout boost)
02.00pm -Gym.
03.30pm - Immediately after gym, I take another snack for afternoon tea, again focusing on trying to get some good oils or protein into me rather than carbs. You need to have this snack within 30 minutes of finishing your workout, because this is when your body is crying out for nutrients. A good post-workout snack will also help your muscles recover.
7.00pm - dinner.

If you have any questions, post them in the comments section and I'll get back to you.